
Submit Applications To:

Cumberland Perry Area CTC

ATTN: Sarah Knipe

110 Old Willow Mill Road

Mechanicsburg, PA 17050

or e-mail applications to opportunities@cpatech.org. 

Diversified Occupations (Application)

Cumberland Perry Area CTC has an opening for a full-time Diversified Occupations instructor beginning in March 2025.

The Diversified Occupations instructor will be responsible for planning, implementing, assessing, and revising the Cooperative Education program.  The Diversified Occupations instructor will assist students in employment acquisition and retention as well as serve as the liaison between employers, students, staff, and parents.  The DO instructor will also represent CPACTC at various community and industry activities and assist with career exploration, career development, and school outreach activities.

Cooperative Education Certification through PDE required; 5 years teaching or other experience preferred.  Salary dependent upon experience.  190 workdays per year.  Full benefit package includes retirement; health, dental, and vision insurance; paid personal and sick days. 

Application deadline is Friday, March 7, 2025. Interested applicants should mail OR email the PA Standard Teacher Application, letter of interest, resume, and references via email to opportunities@cpatech.org

Instructional Assistant (Application)

Cumberland Perry Area CTC seeks an Instructional Assistants for several programs.  Instructional Assistants support student in one-to-one, small-group, and classroom settings.  View job description at www.cpatech.org School Information-Employment. High school diploma required; associate’s degree and trade experience preferred. Position is part-time; beginning at $17-18/hr., 6 hrs. per day, approx. 185 days per school year.  Send cover letter, resume, and references to:  opportunities@cpatech.org

Job Description

Substitute Teacher (Application)

Cumberland Perry Area CTC seeks substitute teachers to join our team of highly-motivated, passionate educators. Compensation is $125/day. Bachelor’s Degree OR industry experience within the CTE program, required. EOE. Substitute teachers serving in the Cosmetology program must possess their State Board of Cosmetology Teacher's license. Come learn why our substitutes return year after year!

Substitute Health Room Assistant (Application)

CPACTC is seeking a substitute Health Room Assistant to be called upon for emergency and pre-planned coverage of the Health Room.  Current L.P.N. or R.N. license required.  Salary is dependent upon experience.



FBI ($25.25)

https://www.identogo.com/locations/pennsylvania (Use Service Code 1KG6NX)

PA State Police ($22.00)


Child Abuse ($13.00)


Cumberland Perry Area CTC is an equal opportunity education institution and will not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, and handicap in its activities, programs, or employment practices as required by Title VI, the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Title IX of the Education Amendment of 1972, and Section 504 of the Rehabilitations Act of 1973.  For information regarding civil rights or grievance procedures, contact the Administrative Director at 717.697.0354.