Teacher Spotlight- Amanda Wolfe
What is the most significant new or different aspect to your program this year?
"In the past we utilized short form tutorials to teach Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator and InDesign to Level 1 and 2 students. This year, we are using official Adobe Classroom in a Book textbooks and digital resources. These books present detailed tutorials on how to use every tool in Adobe products."
"Also, we’re working on the yearbook!"
What are some of the more common career pathways your students take when they leave CPACTC?
"Students are encouraged to attend college after graduation, since most employers are looking for an associate or bachelor’s degree for even entry level positions. Many students take a gap year to save up before attending post-secondary school."
"Those who do enter the workforce usually work as interns or in entry level positions at agencies or print shops. Many will also work retail or service industry positions, while freelancing or creating work as a side hustle."
What training/unit do employers seek that helps students get their foot in the door?
"College. Well-rounded education in all aspects of media (video, web, graphic design, print, photography, etc.)"
"Many employers aren’t looking for specialized people anymore. They want a “jack of all trades."
What are some of the recent technologies and/or trends in the profession with which students become familiar?
"AI is a huge trend as of late. Although students are discouraged from using most AI tools in AA&D, they are trained on the “ethical” use of AI, such as new tools in Photoshop that create efficiencies in workflow, but don’t “create the whole picture."
"Video is a huge component in today’s Marketing landscape. Social media has boosted the need for video and motion graphics. Although students aren’t trained extensively in motion media, Level 3s do have a chance to explore software and motion graphics through their quarterly Passion Projects."
What unit/topic do students struggle with the most in your program? Why do you think that is?
"Students tend to struggle with long term projects. Many projects can take upward of 1 week and if students don’t manage their time effectively, projects will be turned in late or incomplete."
"Some students also struggle with self-guided projects such as Adobe training tutorials and CareerSafe training. I think that this is also a time management issue and the inability to chunk out larger assignments."
Explain a typical day in your program.
"Once class begins, we have what’s called a Production Meeting. I make important announcements and address what is due for the day. Afterwards, if there is a new project I will conduct a kickoff meeting with students. Kickoffs typically consist of theory, lecture and demos. Once we’re done with the meeting or if there is no new project, students have the remainder of class as studio time. Typically, students’ complete projects and theory work using their MacBook, creating graphics and designing real world-inspired projects. Before hopping into the computer, they concept their ideas on paper. Students also could illustrate, draw or create assets by hand for their projects to supplement their work in Adobe."
What advice would you give students who have completed your program?
"Network with other creatives, keep your portfolio updated and attend secondary school if possible. Always be hungry to learn!"
How many years have you been at CPACTC?
"As of January 9th, 2025, I have been here for 2 years."
What was your experience before coming to CPACTC?
"I was an Art Director and Production/Project Manager working for an in-house marketing department at a local furniture company for 4.5 years. I was responsible for managing project timelines and deliverables and producing/distributing marketing materials."
"Before that I worked for a full-service marketing and communications agency for about 5.5 years. I was a studio manager and Art Director. I managed interns, project deadlines and deliverables as well as all creative projects including, but not limited to, photo direction, eBlast design/distribution, ad creation, WordPress design and implementation."
Program Spotlight- Students
Summarize what you learn in your program in ONE SENTENCE (if you can).
"We learn the principles of art and design, how to use and earn certificates for Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, and InDesign, and learn the basics of photography."
What is the hardest part of your program?
"The hardest part of our program is making designs."
What is the most fun part of your program?
"Making designs is the most fun part of our program."
What is some recent technology you are learning to use in your program that is specific to your profession?
"Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, and InDesign, which are all forever updating and improving technologies."
What is your plan for after high school? BE SPECIFIC!
"I want to go to Lebanon Valley and become an art teacher."
What is going to be the highlight of the year?
"Printing and distributing the yearbook our third-year students have created."
What are you proud of learning how to do in your program?
"Using Adobe InDesign."
Explain a typical day in shop.
"We start our day with morning announcements, reminding us of the tasks that we need to continue and sometimes learn about art contests or scholarship opportunities. From there we get started, working with the programs we’ve learned, having hands-on instruction, or joining meetings to talk about and present projects we have worked on."
How is your program at CPACTC different from other classes you have had in the past? Can you give some examples?
"Here we learn the ins and outs of graphic design and Adobe products, giving us a professional understanding vs the basic comprehension you’d get in a normal high school design class. Further than that, we also get to work on live projects and create actual portfolio pieces for real clients."
What advice would you give to a beginning Level 1 student who is just starting the program or to a student who is considering enrolling in your program at CPACTC?
"Just take your time and really pay attention to the lessons given to you. Those portions of the class determine your understanding of the programs and absolutely help you work with ease in your designs."