Elijah Hennon is an Automotive Technology students from Cedar Cliff High School. He participates with Track and Field, Cedar Cliff, and is a Cooperative Education students employed at Jaguar & Land Rover and part of a Youth Group through CPACTC. He is currently employed at Weis. He was named Student of the Quarter and made the Honor Roll, CPACTC. He plans to attend Penn College and major in Automotive Technology (Honda Pact). (Mechanicsburg Rotary Club)
Chloe Sherman is an Emerging Health Professionals student from Greenwood High School. She plays Baseball and does Bookkeeping, Greenwood. She works as a babysitter. She has made the Honor Roll and was named Student of the Quarter, CPACTC. She also made Distinguished Honors, Greenwood. She competed in the District III Baseball Championship. She plans to attend the College of Coastal Georgia and Major in Nursing. (Mechanicsburg North Rotary Club)
Myla Aanensen is an Advertising Art & Design student from Cumberland Valley High School. She participates with the CV Mini Thon. She is currently employed at Color Me Mine. She has made Honor Roll and was named Student of the Quarter, CPACTC. She also made Honor Roll, Cumberland Valley. She plans to attend Millersville University and major in Art Education.