#4thannualcommunityday #cpactc

"Sneak Peek" of some @cpactc #carpentry builds that will be for sale on our Annual Community Day, coming up this year on Sat. May 10th! Watch our page for more info to come on that event soon! #carpentrybuilds #communityday2025 #sneakpeek #kocher #fromm #march2025

@CPACTC Yearbook Sales
Hurry! Pre-orders end March 19th. Plus, pay today to secure your $5 savings.
Details in the link below.

Presentation about Loysville Youth Development Center to Criminal Justice Students with Presenter is Kalen Macon (Drug and Alcohol Treatment Specialist). #opportunitiesunlimited #march2025 #weary

Seniors, in Automotive and Collision Repair, take their written and tactile exam to become certified Pennsylvania Vehicle Safety Inspectors. #opportunitiesunlimited #comeau #march2025

@CPACTC #Cosmetology #MockInterviews with local stylists. Thank you for taking time out of your day to give our students this experience. #opportunitiesunlimited #cos #March2025 #reed

It might technically be winter still, but that hasn't stopped the @cpactc #horticulture Spring Greens from popping in the #greenhouse. #opportunitiesunlimited #perry #feb2025

*******PRICE REDUCED!!!!********
Gazebo to $1500 OBO
Rustic Shed to $2500 OBO
Interest email to: mkocher@cpatech.org and wfromm@cpatech.org

Ice Cream Reward for 2 programs, #criminaljustice & #horticulture for winning the Butterfly Contest this November, when we recognized Children's Grief Awareness Day. The Butterfly Designs are for Illuminating Hope. Thank you to Highmark Caring Pace #childgrief #hereforeachother

@CPACTC #cosmetology would like to give a shout out to recent guest speakers, Brenna Williams and Shantel Copeland from European Wax Center. Thank you for your visit and demonstration for our students! #opportunitiesunlimited #reed #feb2025

Our very own Mr. Jared Comeau (Automotive Technology Instructor) was highlighted on ABC27 News last night (click on link and watch video). Mr. Comeau had two seniors, Levi Rupp and Reese Rizutto, competing in the Skip Wagner Automotive Technology Competition at the Antique Auto Museum in Hershey yesterday. Students have to take an entrance exam to be able to compete in the hands-on competition. The top 10 schools with the highest combined top 2 entrance exam scores are permitted to attend. Congratulations Mr. Comeau, Levi, and Reese! #opportunitiesunlimited #automotivetechnology #feb2025

Recent graduate from @cpactc #criminaljustice program, Penelope Brosius visited classmates as a guest speaker from her current employment at an #EMT. #opportunitiesunlimited #weary #feb2025

Diversified Occupations Instructor
Cumberland Perry Area CTC has an opening for a full-time Diversified Occupations instructor beginning in March 2025.
The Diversified Occupations instructor will be responsible for planning, implementing, assessing, and revising the Cooperative Education program. The Diversified Occupations instructor will assist students in employment acquisition and retention as well as serve as the liaison between employers, students, staff, and parents. The DO instructor will also represent CPACTC at various community and industry activities and assist with career exploration, career development, and school outreach activities.
Cooperative Education Certification through PDE required; 5 years teaching or other experience preferred. Salary dependent upon experience. 190 workdays per year. Full benefit package includes retirement; health, dental, and vision insurance; paid personal and sick days.
Application deadline is Friday, March 7, 2025. Interested applicants should mail OR email the PA Standard Teacher Application, letter of interest, resume, and references via email to opportunities@cpatech.org
#opportunitiesunlimited #cpactcemployment #diversifiedoccupations #cooperativeeducation #instructorposition #jobopportunities #dualenrollment #shippecedo

🚨 Attention High School Juniors & Seniors 🚨 Are you interested in early childhood education and want to earn college credits while gaining hands-on experience in a paid training program? The Shippensburg University ECE Dual Enrollment Program at Cumberland Perry Area CTC might be for YOU! 🎓 Earn up to 9 college credits at no cost. Get real-world experience in an early learning facility 🛠️ Gain certifications like OSHA & Child Development Associate (CDA) Program Highlights: ✔️ 11th & 12th graders (2025-2026 school year) ✔️ Attend half-days at your high school & then gain work experience at a childcare center ✔️ Earn college credits in Early Childhood Education ✔️ Get paid while you learn! Interested? Join us for one of our virtual information sessions to learn more about the program and how to apply: 📅 Join us Tuesday, Feb. 18th at 6:30 pm for the informational session through Microsoft Teams, Click Here: https://tinyurl.com/CPACTCDO This opportunity is open to students in participating Cumberland Perry Area CTC districts. Don’t miss out—apply now! Please visit https://www.cpatech.org/page/shippensburgece-dual-enrollment for more information. #CPACTC #ShippensburgUniversity #ECEPDO #PASSHE #OCDEL #PADHS #PDE #DualEnrollment #EarlyChildhoodEducation #HighSchoolJuniors #HighSchoolSeniors #CollegeCredits #CareerDevelopment #FreeCollegeCredits #WorkBasedLearning

It's that time of year again, where Principal Knouse heads to the #cosmetologyclinic chair for his annual haircut! Looking clean-cut and ready for Valentines Day #knouse #opporunitiesunlimited #Feb2025 #reed

@cpactc #criminaljustice does #physicaltraining lesson with former CJ program Instructor Mr. Shannon. #opportunitiesunlimited #Feb2025

Warming Up the @cpactc Staff today with a little #hotchocolatebar treat to start off this crisp February, Make-up day morning! #cheers #opportunitiesunlimited #Feb2025

CPACTC is in session on Friday, February 14, 2025.

Celebrations for Rylie Kessler in #Cosmetology during her pinning ceremony. #congratulations on earning your #coslicense Rylie! #cpactcproud #opportunitiesunlimited #reed #franklin #Feb2025 @cpactc

Social Media Post 🚨 Attention High School Juniors & Seniors 🚨 Are you interested in early childhood education and want to earn college credits while gaining hands-on experience in a paid training program? The Shippensburg University ECE Dual Enrollment Program at Cumberland Perry Area CTC might be for YOU! 🎓 Earn up to 9 college credits at no cost. Get real-world experience in an early learning facility 🛠️ Gain certifications like OSHA & Child Development Associate (CDA) Program Highlights: ✔️ 11th & 12th graders (2025-2026 school year) ✔️ Attend half-days at your high school & then gain work experience at a childcare center ✔️ Earn college credits in Early Childhood Education ✔️ Get paid while you learn! Interested? Join us for one of our virtual information sessions to learn more about the program and how to apply: 📅 Thursday, Feb. 13th at 6:30 pm 📅 or Tuesday, Feb. 18th at 6:30 pm. To join the informational session through Microsoft Teams, Click Here: https://tinyurl.com/CPACTCDO This opportunity is open to students in participating Cumberland Perry Area CTC districts. Don’t miss out—apply now! Please visit https://www.cpatech.org/page/shippensburgece-dual-enrollment for more information. #CPACTC #ShippensburgUniversity #ECEPDO #PASSHE #OCDEL #PADHS #PDE #DualEnrollment #EarlyChildhoodEducation #HighSchoolJuniors #HighSchoolSeniors #CollegeCredits #CareerDevelopment #FreeCollegeCredits #WorkBasedLearning