Congratulations to our @cpactc #advertisingartanddesign student winner of this year's CPACTC Holiday Card Design, Hannah Jacobs, from #CedarCliff #westshoreschooldistrict #opportunitiesunlimited #nov2023 #wolfe

Opening Day for both @cpactc #cosmetologyclinic and the #cumberlandcafe in #culinaryarts. Clients are enjoying refreshing their looks and a delicious food menu. #nov2023 #opportunitiesunlimited #culinarycafefridays #cosmetologyclinicfridays #byappointmentonly

REMINDER of the CPACTC Schedule for the Thanksgiving Holiday:
MONDAY, November 20 - AM and PM are in session.
TUESDAY, November 21 - PM only in session (AM Act 80 day)
WEDNESDAY, November 22 through MONDAY, November 27 - Holiday Break
Students return Tuesday, November 28th.
Students are expected to be in attendance on days CPACTC is in session, even if their sending school is not. Families should check with their district on transportation prior to their district being closed - most provide transportation to/from CPACTC.
Thank you for your cooperation and support!

National Children's Grief Awareness Day 2023 @cpactc #opportunitiesunlimited @HighmarkCaringPlace #wearingbluetosupportthosegrieving. Student's Programs decorated butterflies as a sign of hope and support. #nov2023

#thankyou to Jazzmin Harris and Anthony Harris for visiting @cpactc #cosmetology today and performing demonstrations for our students! #opportunitiesunlimited #franklin #nov2023

Today is National Support Professionals Day! Our @cpactc Instructional Assistants truly work tirelessly to help our teachers and keep our students on track, while our Custodians and Maintenance Staff do a super job of keeping the building in great condition. They all go out of their way to do anything and everything. We couldn't operate without these folks! #thank you #opportunitiesunlimited

Second and third year students helping out the first year students with vertical up stick #welding @cpactc. #opportunitiesunlimited #hammond #nov2023

#NurseAidTraining in #patient #bedsidecare @cpactc. #opportunitiesunlimited #lauver #nov2023

Thank you for your service Veterans! @cpactc #opportunitiesunlimited #veteransday2023 #thankyou
Special thank you our CPACTC Employees that served!

#Autotech students @cpactc learn about tuning and other career options with the help of Universal Technical Institute. #opportunitiesunlimited #comeau #nov2023

Today we welcomed Senator Rothman & newly elected Cumberland County Treasurer Kaytee Isley into @CPACTC to speak to our morning civics classes. This gave CP students an unique opportunity to talk to a sitting legislator. Senator Rothman was gracious & eloquent in answering all of the questions that the students asked of him. #opportunitiesunlimited #thankyou #adams #nov2023

Making cuts for fittings in @cpactc #HVAC program. #opportunitiesunlimited

@cpactc Students and Alumni, check out our job posting board on our website and see opportunities that await you! https://www.cpatech.org/page/community-job-postings
#opportunitiesunlimited #jobpostingforstudents

We Are Hiring! Check out our employment page and start your new job opportunity @cpactc! #opportunitiesunlimited https://www.cpatech.org/page/employment

Beautiful green lettuce is thriving in the #horticulture and #landscaping program @cpactc greenhouses. #opportuntiesunlimited #perry #nov2023

Career Exploration Nights this evening w/ programs in Construction, Manufacturing and Transportation! Join Us this Evening 5PM-7PM! Thank you to all that entered in our Countdown to Career Nights, we will Draw the Winners Monday, Nov. 6th! #opportunitiesunlimited

Festive projects in #automation #robotics & #electronics, including a #pumpkinlauncher @cpactc #opportunitiesunlimited #jpage #Nov2023

Career Exploration Nights begins this evening w/ programs in Human Services, Arts & Technology & Health Services! Join Us this Evening 5PM-7PM! Thank you to all that entered in our Countdown to Career Nights, we will Draw the Winners Monday, Nov. 6th!

#HappyHalloween for the @cpactc #cosmetology #halloweencompetition! #opportunitiesunlimited #reed #oct2023

The @cpactc #cosmetologyclinic will be Open for Friday Services starting on Nov. 17th. Appointments Are Required, Please schedule by no later than Nov. 16th for the opening day. You will NEED to bring a Valid Photo ID for school entry. #opportunitiesunlimited